Friday, September 4, 2009

Tollbooth Etiquette

Today I drove from my home in Saint Paul Minnesota to Chicago. The highway is toll free until you get to Illinois for about one hour ( depending on where you exit) you pay about 4 tolls from the Illinois state line to the Chicago city limits.
What I have experience during this trek could make a book and I would call it tollbooth etiquette .
Since most of the toll roads have an e pass line there is not much contact with the tollbooth attendant and this leads to a culture that has become increasingly cold and distant. Attendants used to take your money with a smile and welcome to their section of the road . Many attendants barely give you a smile and seem impatient when you have to count out correct change and are not fast enough.
Today one attendant dared to boldly go where no attendant has gone before, he actually smiled and told me to have a nice day and a safe trip. He actually spoke more than two sentences, almost a paragraph.
The only other very positive tollbooth attendant experience occurred in July of 2007 When an attendant not only wished me a good day but she went above and beyond by giving me directions to downtown Evanston, Illinois.
These two experiences lead me to believe that there is hope for the tollbooth system in general and tollbooth attendants in particular. They are not all like the insensitive attendant in the movie, "The Godfather" that let Sonny Corleone meet his maker without any warning of preeminent danger . Many are like the attendant in 2007 that went above and beyond or the gentleman today who simply said hello and wished me a safe trip.
If tollbooth attendants can reform, maybe we all can just get along.

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