Monday, October 3, 2016

Election 35 Days Out

Election 35 Days Out

It's four years later and a new election is upon us. President Obama is feeling a little relief because his term is almost up and it's time for someone else to do the job and many have claimed that they could do one better than him regardless of his successes. Health Care, Bin Laden and troop deescalation from Iraq. Candidates on both sides of the aisle questioned his ability to lead at one time or another  one even questioned his citizenship and religion. But Mr. Obama with all of his character persevered  coming out of one of the best presidencies in history.
His detractors how ever are now at each others throats trying to prove who is the lessor of two evils and not doing a very good job at this point . Hillary Clinton the first woman to make it this far and is at the threshold of the White House door is doing the better job to convince the public that she is the better candidate to take up the touch from President Obama. Donald Trump seems to be attempting to see how many people he can annoy in the next 30 days and still make it to the finish line . He has ratcheted down  some of his most controversial statements like building a wall at the Mexican border, questioning the president's citizenship and as Will Rogers never met a man he didn't like Mr. Trump seems to have never met a woman he didn't insult in some way or another. A little more than a month before the election and Mr. Trump is trying to win friends and influence people unfortunately he is influencing them to vote for Hillary Clinton.
For her part Mrs. C is playing it close to the vest and trying to play up her experience, integrity and fitness for the job while playing down the exploits of her husband during his administration and rightly so because Bill Clinton did all of that not Hillary and it was 19 years ago. Since that time, Mrs. Clinton has been a US Senator, Secretary of State and has proven herself to be an astute diplomat as well a lawmaker. She and her husband set the groundwork for health care reform and developed executive policies that created both strong domestic and foreign policies.
The Trump campaign in an effort to discredit Secretary Clinton can only come up with two things emails and Benghazi . If that's all he's got he should pack it up and take his whipping like a man.
Mrs. C. on the other hand has a great more on Mr. Trump . Now lets see, Trump university, Filing bankruptcy
on multiple cases land leaving investors holding the bag and lets not even talk about his phantom income tax return and his Crypto Fascist  speeches . Based on this information alone, I do not see how anyone in his or her right mind could vote for Donald Trump . A who has filed bankruptcy multiple times has no business handling the business affairs of the United States. A man who alienates foreign governments and people of color should be not be given Carte' Blanche to handle the diplomatic affairs of our nation either.
Donald Trump is a shoddy film flam man in statesman clothes.
The only thing that Hillary's detractors can truly say is that she is no Bernie Saunders and I do not think she wants to be Mr. Saunders . Mrs. C has made no apologies to being a moderate to conservative on some issues but progressive on many others. We are not just voting for Hilary in this election we are voting for the Democratic Party and who is coming to the table . Mrs. C will bring Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Saunders and scores of other progressives.
Donald Trump on the other hand will bring ultra conservatives like Ted Cruz, Chris Christie, Rudy Giuliani and David Duke a virtual murderers row of conservative backwardness . I don't know about you but I like  living in the 21st century and would not like having to return to a 1950s America where women have no reproductive rights, minorities have no civil rights and immigrants are persona non-Grata .
A vote for Hilary Rodham Clinton is not just a vote for the first woman president. It is a vote for progressive policies, an economy that will build the middle class, progressive health care policies and a chance for our children to live in an America that loves them as much as they love America. We have a chance to take our country soaring into the next part of this great century soaring, not kicking and screaming. 

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