Thursday, February 9, 2017

The Revolution will not be Twitterized

The Revolution will not be Twitterized

The revolution will not be twitterized
We will not post our angry uttterings on
Facebook, Twitter, or Snap Chat.
We will not do selfies as we march
toward the Capitol carrying signs
and wearing pussy hats.
The revolution will not be Twitterized.
We will not listen to limo rads with their
undirected angry toward a person they
ignored hoping he would go away.
We will not wait for Cornel West to
define who we are and what we stand for.
The revolution will not be Twitterized .
We will not wait for Bill Maher to tell us
who to listen to by who he invites on his show.
Downing the current situation while wearing
designer suits while the real workers in the nation
have Kmart and Goodwill as our couturier's.
The revolution will not be Twitterized.
We will not follow the Today Show and let Dylan and
All set the trends and the ends. We will not allow the
president and his flawed sense of values direct our
nation from a Twitter page to set off our anger and set off our rage.
We will not let Steve Bannon pick fights with us that we can't and
have no desire to win. We will not be pulled into his hatred
and sin. We will only march through the streets of our own
neighborhoods and towns straight through the hood to bring out
the clowns the ones who stayed at home on election day and
caused our current situation and we will not stray, we will stay
on them until election day and elect a Congress who will do
our bidding or be gone in two more years cause we aren't kidding.
There will be no reason for us to apologize cause the revolution will not be
RIP Philando